Monday, August 1, 2011

Makeover Monday: I'm feelin' Just Peachy.

Who doesn't love a peach? Even if you don't like the taste... they smell so wonderful and they are soft and fuzzy. They are the cute and cuddly stuffed animal of the produce isle. Not only are they cute, but peaches are good for your skin. They contain fruit acids that exfoliate, plus Vitamin C and Vitamin A, which are both excellent for your complexion.

I woke up this morning with nothing for my Makeover Monday post. All I had was some watermelon and a peach that I had set aside for possible face masks. I planned to try one last night, but I never got around to it...frankly I was exhausted. My older daughter has been sick since Wednesday and while we tried to still have a bit of fun... most of the weekend was spent trying to entertain a whiny, bored kid. Poor thing... 5 days with a fever really sucks!

But back to my makeover post...The watermelon facial that I read about sounded super messy due to the watery nature of the fruit and it was something I was going to have to remain still for... and with two kids wanting breakfast and 6 year old whose fever had finally broken I couldn't imagine sitting around for 20 minutes... So I reached for the peach... and here I sit with a mashed up mixture of peaches and egg whites on my face writing about a beauty treatment I haven't even finished yet. In a moment I will pause, save my work, and head to the shower to find out just how well this peachy little face mask fares.

Thirty minutes have elapsed since I typed those last words. I have emerged from the shower... clean and peachy fresh. I'm dressed and ready to attack the day thanks to my morning peachy makeover. It is amazing how much better I feel. My pores are tight from the egg white, and my skin is shiny (but not in a greasy way) and bright.

The mask I used was made from one peeled and mashed peach and the white of one egg. I mashed it by hand... but it was still a little lumpy so I pulsed it in the blender for a few seconds. After that all I did was smear some on my face and then I went about my normal morning routine. My six year old even told me that it didn't look "that bad." Now that I'm rinsed and ready to roll I feel great! Thank you Makeover Monday!


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